Andrew McLaren

    I’m the General Manager at Adventure Out Australia.


    • Remote first aid
    • Resuscitation CPR
    • Aquatic Rescue Training
    • Canoe Flat Water Level 1instructor
    • Abseil / climbing instructor
    • Mountain Bike instructor
    • Diploma of Building and Construction
    • Registered Builder


    I started in the outdoor industry in my early 20s while traveling and working around Australia, and the French Alps. On returning to Perth, I worked in the building and construction industry I decided to make a change back to an industry that I was truly passionate about.

    My career has involved project management of large commercial projects. Managing health and safety, budget, and tight timelines. After 7 years of running my own construction company, I decided to make my passion my profession. I now enjoy a good work life balance. I look forward to going to work and I come home happy.

    I am passionate about

    Preserving the environment, reducing our impact on the globe. I enjoy traveling both overseas and within Australia. My favourite place is the Kimberley region WA.


    • Enthusiastic and energetic
    • Passionate in sharing the enjoyment of the outdoors


    • Surfing
    • Mountain Biking
    • Rock Climbing
    • Martial Arts
    • Snow Boarding