Rahna Csohany

    Hi, my name is Rahna.


    • Working with children’s check: 3255031
    • Cert III in Business
    • Cert IV in Accounting & Bookkeeping (in progress!)


    Growing up in the rural suburbs of Perth, I spent a lot of time outdoors exploring and developed a deep appreciation for native wildlife. When I’m not at Adventure Out, I like to volunteer for a local wildlife hospital, and am a big advocate for preserving our environment and sustainability.

    I’m usually the first person to say “I’ll give it a go!” when presented with a challenge or new experience. I came to Adventure Out in 2020 with no experience in the Outdoor Education industry, just an eagerness to learn, and have since found myself an integral part of an amazing team – all who have taught me so much.

    I am passionate about

    I am passionate about creating opportunities for others to experience new things and push themselves out of their comfort zones. I love my ability to empathise and connect with people and use it to encourage others to discover their own passions.


    • Energetic
    • Compassionate
    • Loud (you’ll hear me before you see me)


    • Volunteering
    • Hiking with my dog
    • Exploring Western Australia – I love the Golden Valley Tree Park in Balingup, WA